Tech Bulletin: GPI Problems with Advanced NetWare v2.0a File & Record Locks NOVELL TECHNICAL BULLETIN TITLE: GPI Problems with Advanced NetWare v2.0a File & Record Locks DOCUMENT ID: TB.P.188 DATE: 6/10/87 PRODUCT: NetWare PRODUCT VERSION: NetWare Version 2.0 Revision A SUPERSEDES: NA SYMPTOM: NA ISSUE/PROBLEM This bulletin is applicable to the following: Advanced NetWare 86 v2.0a Advanced NetWare 286 v2.0a Nondedicated NetWare 286 v2.0a SFT NetWare 286 Level I v2.0a SFT NetWare 286 Level II v2.0a SFT NetWare 286 Level II with TTS v2.0a PROBLEM: Users of applications which do large numbers of file and/or record locks may experience intermittent General Protection Interrupts (GPIs) on the file server. Usually this problem exhibits itself on ARCNET* compatible and other networks that are slower than 3 Mbps. The frequency of the GPI increases as the number of operating workstations increases. With six workstations, the error usually occurs within 20 minutes. Upgrading the system to a faster LAN topology, such as Ethernet, usually causes the problem to cease. Initially, the problems were found by users of Softcraft's Btrieve, which performs large numbers of physical record locks. Potentially, the problem could also exhibit itself with any other lock intensive application. CAUSE: This problem was found to be caused by two bugs in the lock code in the operating system. Although related, each of these two bugs would cause the file server to GPI at different places. The bugs would exhibit themselves only when intensive record and/or file locking were performed on a lower performance network. SOLUTION: Patches that will correct the two bugs discussed above have been formulated for the various NetWare operating systems. A program has been written that will automatically implement the patches to the NET$OS.OBJ file of the following operating systems: Advanced NetWare 86 v2.0a Advanced NetWare 286 v2.0a Nondedicated NetWare 286 v2.0a SFT NetWare 286 Level I v2.0a SFT NetWare 286 Level II v2.0a SFT NetWare 286 Level II with TTS v2.0a The patch program, called GPI.EXE, is available on NetWire or can be obtained from a NetWare Center. To run the program, first make sure that you have a backup copy of the original NET$OS.OBJ file. Next, ensure that the NET$OS.OBJ file to be patched resides in the current directory and type GPI. The messages that the patch program produces are as follows: >gpi Please Note: As a precautionary measure, a backup copy of this Operating System should be made before performing this patch. Please Verify the OS type as: Version 2.0a Advanced NetWare Do you wish to proceed with the patch now (Y/N) ? YES Performing 5 patches, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Completed Successfully. If the operating system has already been patched or if it is the wrong version, the following message will appear after attempting to proceed with the patch: Do you wish to proceed with the patch now (Y/N) ? YES Performing 5 patches, 1 Error: Stamp 1 not matched, previously patched or invalid OS. *ARCNET is a registered trade mark of Data Point Corporation.